Friday, April 27, 2007

Lesson of the Week

We usually only see one side of a person because we see that person in the same setting every time we see them; and we judge them on that one side. We either like them or we don't.
Well this is were my lesson began. There was this guy that I really did not like. He is pushy and loud!!! Then a couple of days ago I say him in a completely different setting and the Holy Ghost pricked my heart. "This guy has good in him too just like the rest of us"
We all have faults and some may only see the bad but from now on I am going to find the good in EVERYONE.
This is probably the second or third time that I have learned this lesson but I pray "Lord as many times as it takes, please don't give up on me."

Disclaimer: Some people really are bad with bad intentions. Let the Holy Ghost show you and/or protect you. If you don't have the Holy Ghost, GET IT!!! YOU NEED IT.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Family Picture

Thanks Carla, for all your help.

Friday, April 20, 2007