Monday, November 12, 2007

Downs Syndrome

I just saw a statistic on CNN that said 80-90% of mothers that find out that there baby is going to have down syndrome abort their baby. This is considered acceptable behavior in our "civilized" country. What are we thinking? At this moment I am more afraid of our law makers than I am of criminals on the street. I think that our government has done a great job keeping us safe, but who is governing congress?

When I was pregnant they asked me if I wanted to have the test done. I told them no. It did not matter to me. That was my child, and he was in the hands of God, there was nothing that I could do about it.

I don't know who all reads my blog but I am asking that you bind with me in prayer for these babies, for their mothers, and for our law makers. I would like to see a change and I believe in going straight to the top.

These are my boys and I wouldn't trade ANYTHING no matter what for them.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I agree with you Lynda. With Abigail, I declined having the test done, but with Andrew the clinic made me take it. I was so unhappy about it, because this test has such a high false positive some of those poor babies might not had down sad that our world has come to this.