Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Do you Doubt?

I was reading my children the story of when Jesus fed the five thousand the other night and I got to thinking. What would I do if I was told to take the baskets and pass out the food? Would I only give each person a little in hopes that maybe everyone could get something or would I give everyone enough to be full because I trusted what Jesus said? Would I doubt or believe?

What do we do with our friends and family? Do we only tell them a little bit because somewhere we kind of wonder if God will really do what he says? Can God really change their lives, heal there bodies and save there souls or will he fail them and then we look foolish?

Maybe it is a pride thing. I am sure those men didn't want to look foolish and get half way through the crowd and have nothing left. Maybe they were scared that there would be a mob if everyone didn't get fed. There were probably a lot of emotions involved. Inspite of their worries they did as Jesus asked and they witnessed a miracle that day.

In spite of our worries we should do as God asks not only with our friends and family but with our lives as well and maybe 2008 can be a (as Sis Elms said on her blog) "break through" year. Full of miracles. I WANT TO SEE MIRACLES!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Incredibly striking and humbling post.

What would happen if we really stepped outside of our worries and doubts and just trusted Him?

Powerful thoughts...

Very Powerful thoughts...

Linda Elms said...

I enjoyed this post so much! What you said made me think for a little while. I want to trust Him completely! Thank you!