Friday, September 26, 2008

Can you figure this out?

3 brothers go to a hotel. To save money they decide to share a room and equally split the cost. The hotel manager tells them that the total cost of the room is $30. Each brother pays $10. They get their key and go to the room. A short while later the hotel manager realizes that the total cost of the room was not $30 but was only $25. The hotel manager gives a $5 bill to the bellboy and sends him to the brothers’ room to give the refund. The bellboy not knowing how to divide a $5 bill between 3 brothers decided it would be easier to give each brother $1 each and just keep the extra $2 for himself. So when he arrived at the room he gave each $1. This made it so each brother then only paid $9 ($10 minus the $1 refund) each for the room.
So if each of the 3 brothers paid $9 that is $27 total. The bellboy kept $2 for himself. This is a total of $29. The 3 brothers initially paid $30.
Where is the missing dollar?


Michelle said...

Girl, I am horrible at this kind of stuff, but I wanted to tell you I love the new layout!! So, what's the answer?

Lynda said...

I am horrible at this stuff too but I still love it. To be honest I googled it because I could not figure it out. The answer is: you are suppose to subtract $2 from 27 not add it.

Thanks about the layout I got it from They had a lot of really cute ones.