Sunday, February 8, 2009

What God Can't Do

I was thinking in church this morning about people that seem to be so mightily used of God. What is the difference between them and us? Does God love them more, were they given more talents then us? Maybe, but I believe it is because they don't know what God can't do. (I know that is a double negative but work with me here LOL)

We all know that God can do ANYTHING but do we believe HE WILL. I think that that is the difference. If we know he can and know he will, we will step out in faith more giving God an opportunity to show he can AND will.

I don't know if any of this is making sense or not but that is what is on my heart right now. I want to have more faith in God; knowing that HE WILL.

Mat 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

1 comment:

Madison S. said...

Awesome post!!!! Amen Amen!!!