Monday, October 29, 2007

One Day at a Time

The other day I was having a "bad day" and right in the middle of being mad and feeling sorry for myself I said "NO, This is NOT the kind of life that I want and since life is made of days then this is not the kind of day I am going to have" So I turned on MY Hope Radio and the rest of my day was good. Sometimes you can't change your circumstance but you can ALWAYS change your attitude.

When I was a little girl my parents would sing together and one of the songs that they would sing was One Day at a Time. It was really more of my mom singing and my dad howling but I digress. lol For those of you who do not know this song it goes something like this.
One day at a time sweet Jesus
Thats all I'm asking from you
Give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do
Yesturday gone sweet Jesus
And Tommorrow may never be mine
So for my sake teach me to take
One day at a time

I have a lot of things to post and I will try to catch up this week.


Christina said...

Well I totally know what you mean by these days! I had one today, and pretty much did the same thing. I had to make up my mind I was not going to have a whole day of things bothering me, and it worked. The rest of my day went pretty good. Sometimes with young children it can seem like the spilled milk is enough to break us, but one day at a time I guess is the best.

Michelle said...

Wow, I had one of those days as well. I finally decided that I needed to take a break, so I did my "homework" for Wednesday night during the kids nap. I felt so refreshed afterward, that the rest of my day was wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Lynda, I just read all your blogs and I enjoyed each one and the pictures of my GREAT little boys. One of your sayings made me laugh for the first time in weeks, that you got a senior discount on your lunch. Truely God knows what is best for us. As you know when my son was 8 years old and the DR said I was pregrant I coudn't understand why because I didn't think I wanted another child. Well that child was you and God truly was looking in the future and knew that I would need your strenth. Your sayings are a blessing to me and you encourage me in many ways.
I love you and your family
