Monday, August 25, 2008

A Few Pics


While I was in the yard talking to my husband's Aunt and cousins my two wonderful little boys decided that they wanted to wash there toys in the rain water that was in their wagon. They went into the house and got the dish soap. Nathan is washing INSIDE toys and Braeden is washing his car. BTW we had just gotten back from WalMart, these are not play clothes. I couldn't get mad it was too funny. Braeden decided to eat some of the soap, he was sick for three days. He didn't get to go to Sunday School and he was soo upset. He kept saying "But mommy I don't have soap in my mouth" That part was sad. So this picture is for all of you mothers out there that just sent your kids to school and are wishing they were at home with you. LOL


These two pics on top are what happened to the road next to I44 during the flood. You can see it literally picked up the road and moved it into the grass. You can still see the stripes on the asphalt. CRAZY!!


Notice the before and after price. My husband saw this and I had to take a picture.

1 comment:

Madison S. said...

Lowes how funny! The roads that is just crazy. Lynda the boys are to cute. I think I would do the same get the camera and take pictures....then I would say ok stop you are not in play clothes lets change then you can go wash mommies car!!! yes my babies are off to school and I miss them but I know I will have them this afternoon. I will probably be one of those moms outside the school at 15 till time to pick them up anticipating them coming out the door :) They grow up to fast Make memories and enjoy them every minute!