Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Today I fill an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened. I just feel grateful for all the blessings God has given me. "Big" blessings make memories but I think "little" blessings make up our lives.

Monday and Tuesday it felt like my problems (no big problems just life) were bigger than my blessings.
Monday I let my problem get to me and I didn't even want to pray. So I just whispered a prayer. "Lord, please don't forget me" I know that sounds silly but that's what I said.
Tuesday wasn't a bad day I was just "Sailing On" (thank you Bro. Holley) All day yesterday I felt a strong tugging to just pray. So I did. I prayed. It wasn't anything spectacular "just a little talk with Jesus" I love that song.
Today I woke up feeling like the blessed person that I am.

Everyone makes a big deal about getting old. They don't want to get older. NOT ME!! I love getting older. The older I get the more wise I become. I continue to change for the better. I am becoming a better person everyday. Now for me I have a long way to go and it is slow coming, but it is still progress. LOL The older you get the more confident you are in yourself and God. You think things through a lot better.

The only "down" side I can see is you are closer to death but I don't really think we have a fear of death I think that it is a fear of the unknown. Kindergarteners have the same fear on the first day of school. When I think of it like that it seems kind of silly. Parents are in control on that first day of school just like God is in control of our lives and death. So we have nothing to fear.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I have a calm assurance God is in control.

By the way I lost a pound this week. I am not really sure why because I didn't exercise. I need to get off of this computer so I can do that now before something happens and I don't get to.

Hope you have a blessed week.


Christina said...

Lynda I really enjoyed this post. I feel the same as you, about the becoming older, because I too see my self changing in positive ways the older I, get as well as my walk with God grows and changes the older I get. When you look at these two things getting older shouldn't bother us a bit. I love to look back and see where God has brought me from and the older I get the more I have to look at! I think the only part of getting older I don't like is seeing my kids grow up, but that is just life and I don't dwell on that long. See you tonight, Love you!

Gene Holley said...

Many days are really just "Sailing On!", but without them we would never get to the exciting "Victory" days!

Anonymous said...

Your frank writing has been a blessing to me today. Thank you.

On the getting older part...from the old side :) since I have now reached 70 years old. Much of what you say is true--I do feel that I am wiser now than when I was in my 20s or 30s, and much of that just comes from living a longer period of time. Experience is a great teacher, and it is impossible to have much experience when you are young. Just can't happen.

The downside are a few aches and pains and a little less energy...and the understanding that in a few years...death will come. Frankly, I'm not fond of that thought.

Bless you always--