Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One of these days I am going to post something other than my diet adventure. LOL!!
There have been a lot of things happen that I really want to blog about but it seems I never have the time.

I have been on a diet vacation for a week now. That was not my intention but half way through I decided to just make it a vacation. LOL It started with an ice cream sale at United and then I decided to make cookies with my kids. I thought I was being a good mom but 7 dozen cookies later I thought I better get back to my diet. (I didn't eat all of them but I did eat a lot) We made memories so I don't regret it I will just have to do a little more excerising this week.

I have not gained anything and last week I lost 1.4lbs. I am back on track today and hopefully I will start loosing again.


Mandy said...

I know how you feel about the blogging. Sometimes when you go for so long it seems like you can't start because you just don't know where to begin. Your vacation sounds absolutely wonderful!!!

Madison S. said...

vacations are fun! Sounds like a great one. You know sometimes it's fun to get a little off the beaten path and just make memories. After this trip I am afraid to go home and weigh...but I will...hopefully I walked enough to counter act the calories

Lynda said...

enjoy yourself you can always exercise later