Saturday, July 12, 2008

Debbie Downer

Well I just got another call, my mother's uncle died. This makes the 7th death this year. This is also the first one that I am not going to get to go to. Which is sad because I really loved my Aunt and Uncle but truthfully I am tired of funerals and I don't think that I could handle another one. After my dad died every funeral that I go to gets harder and harder.
I think that it is very important to go to funerals even if you don't do anything but give the family a hug and let them know that you are praying for them and that you love them.
At my dad's funeral I realized that it is the little things people do that mean sooo much.
My Aunt and Uncle are great Godly examples. I have watched them go through horrible things in thier lives and they ALWAYS remained faithful to God. They always gave him the glory even when all you could see was the bad. When my dad died my Aunt was in some sort of hospital and she checked herself out so her and my uncle could come to the viewing.
Anyways I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer. It just makes me feel better to get it off my chest so to speak. I will be ok. I am going to go get some paint and paint something. I will either be destructive or productive either way I will feel better. LOL!!


Madison S. said...

At least he has gained his great reward in Heaven. Heaven just gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by
We will be praying for you in the days to come I know it is not easy losing someone so close and dear to our hearts.

Linda Elms said...

I'm so sorry for you and your family! I understand your "aching heart". I love you and hope things will settle down SOON!