Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Diet Updat

I only lost 1lb this week but I am not giving up. I started eating off of a small plate at dinner instead of a dinner plate. This has helped a lot with portion control. Tomorrow I start excercising for 1hr instead of 30min. We will see how it goes. I am determined not to give up even if it takes me a year to loose 30 lbs.

I also started a little weightloss counter on the bottom of my blog.


Linda Elms said...

Sis. Seymour, it will come off. It takes time. Don't give up!

Madison S. said...

Remember it didn't just sneak up on us....It will take time for it to come off LOL I also lost 1 lb this week. I think the smaller plate is the best thing. I have gotten Todd to start splitting things with me when we go out to eat. Cheaper and less food :) Keep it up we will get it off!

Lynda said...

Thank you both for the encouragement.

Julie, congrats on the weight loss. We really should get together and start a little support group. Maybe share the different things that we are doing.

Karen Prince said...

I am proud of you for losing, and committing to exercise. It takes discipline to lose weight. I know how hard it is to lose. I lose a few and gain them right back! I need more discipline! I, too need to lose at least "30"!

I liked your quote "Don't Give Up"!